Obtaining Licensing Information

License Management is required with SmartServer 3.3 and higher.

For SmartServer 3.3, seeĀ Obtaining Licensing Information (Release 3.3).Ā 

This section describes how the Manage Licenses dialog can be accessed and the contents of its display.

This section consists of the following:

Opening the Manage Licenses Dialog

The Manage Licenses dialog provides the ability to activate licenses, download/transfer licenses from/to the cloud, andĀ create license notifications.Ā The Manage Licenses dialog and its features are only availableĀ for theĀ Owner user type.

TheĀ Manage Licenses dialog can be accessed in one of the following ways:

  • When it automatically opensĀ upon CMS startup
  • From the main CMS dashboard

Upon CMS Startup

The SmartServer automatically opens the Manage Licenses dialog upon CMS startup if the device capacity for any segment is zero, or is less than the available device capacity for the segment.

TheĀ CMS automatically opens the Manage Licenses dialog if it has not been previously activated after an Owner user logs in.

You can close theĀ Manage Licenses dialog using the Close button () without adding a license.

From the CMS Dashboard

TheĀ Manage Licenses dialog can be opened from the CMS dashboard byĀ starting the SmartServer CMS as described inĀ Open the SmartServer CMSĀ and clicking anywhereĀ on the License Status displayĀ on the main dashboard.Ā 

The Manage Licenses dialog opens.

Viewing Licensing Information

The SmartServer maintains licensing statusĀ per device so that the number of licensed devices never exceeds the device capacity for the SmartServer.Ā The information that is displayed on the Manage Licenses dialog (shown below) includes:

  • Segment Controller ā€“ name of the SmartServer IoT segment controller containing the license
  • Description ā€“ description of the device capacity and maintenance licenses (e.g.,1000-device capacity, 3-year maintenance)
  • Status ā€“ maintenance status (i.e.,Ā Active, Expiring <date>, or Expired <date> with date using the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: Expiring 2024-10-23)
  • Activation DateĀ 
  • License ID
  • NoteĀ ā€“Ā optional information, such as where the SmartServer containing the license is located

The following operations are available from the Manage Licenses dialog:

  • The Manage Customer Accounts button () provides the ability to enter a Customer ID for license management. SeeĀ Activating Licenses for more information.

  • The Download Licenses from the Cloud button () provides the ability toĀ download licenses from the cloud for online activation.Ā SeeĀ Activating Licenses Online in theĀ Activating LicensesĀ section for more information.

  • The Add License button () provides the ability to add a license file for offline activation. SeeĀ Activating Licenses Offline in theĀ Activating LicensesĀ section for more information.

  • The Edit Notifications button () provides the ability toĀ create license notifications. SeeĀ Creating License Notifications for more information.

  • TheĀ Transfer Licenses to the Cloud button () provides the ability to transfer licenses to the cloud in order to replace device capacity and/or maintenance licenses. SeeĀ Activating Licenses for more information.

  • TheĀ CLOSE button exits theĀ Manage Licenses dialog.