Building, Loading, and Debugging an Application in RAM

Building, Loading, and Debugging an Application in RAM

You can build, load, and debug a CPM 4200 application that you develop with the CPM 4200 SDK. While debugging, the application is loaded into the RAM memory of the CPM 4200 Module. You can build an application to view the output files. You can load an application to download the output files to your CPM 4200 device. You can debug your application to test the operation of your application. You can build and load with a single command, and you can build, load, and debug with a single command.

To build an application, right-click the project for the application in the Eclipse Project Explorer, and then click Build on the shortcut menu.

To build the currently selected application, click the Run Incremental Build button on the Eclipse toolbar.

To build and load an application into RAM on a CPM 4200 EVB, follow these steps:

  1. Attach the CPM 4200 EVB to your computer with a USB cable.

  2. Click CPM 4200 -> Advanced -> Program Application Into CPM 4200 RAM in the Eclipse menu bar and then select the application to be loaded. The selected application is loaded into RAM on the attached CPM 4200 EVB.

To build, load, and debug an application in RAM on a CPM 4200 EVB, follow these steps:

  1. If you have not created a Debug Configuration, create one as described in Creating a New Debug Configuration.

  2. Attach the CPM 4200 EVB to your computer with a USB cable.

  3. If OpenOCD is not running, click the External Tools button and then click OpenOCD.

  4. Click the Debug a Program button on the Eclipse toolbar to build, load, and debug the current project. To build, load, and debug a different project, click the arrow next to the Debug a Program button and then select the project to build, load, and debug.

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