Activating Capacity Licenses Offline Using the License Partner Portal

Activating Capacity Licenses Offline Using the License Partner Portal

You can use the License Partner Portal to activate a capacity license offline if a SmartServer does not have an Internet connection. To activate a capacity license offline using the License Customer Portal, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the URL for the License Partner Portal below in your browser.


    The login view for the License Partner Portal appears.


  2. Enter your email address and password in appropriate fields.


  3. Click LOGIN.

    The License Partner Portal appears with the My Inventory tab showing all your purchased licenses.



  4. Click the Search tab.


    The Search view appears.



  5. Enter the name of the customer in the Customer Name field and click the Search button.


    The licenses for the selected customer appear.

    For online license activation where the SmartServer has an Internet connection, you can use the Customer ID that appears in the Customer Name field (i.e., d46954b4-4292-4b08-ad79-0152fffa1984) to set up a customer account, as well as download and activate licenses, using CMS Manage Licenses dialog as described in Activating Licenses Online Using the SmartServer CMS.

    For offline license activation where the SmartServer does not have an Internet connection, you can also use the License Customer Portal to activate the license as described in Activating Capacity Licenses Offline Using the License Customer Portal. You can use the associated License ID to log into the License Customer Portal.


  6. Click the Model Number for the license that you want to activate. 

    The Customer Inventory: Order Details view for the license that you selected appears.


  7. If you do not have your lock code number, perform the following steps:

    1. Obtain your SmartServer install code and note it down. You can find your SmartServer install code on the label that is attached to the back of your device, from the System Configuration page, and from the Manage Customer Accounts view.

    2. Click the Downloads tab.

      The Downloads view appears.


    3. Click Lock Code Generator to download Lock Code Generator utility zip file.

      The Lock Code Generator utility zip file is downloaded onto your PC.


    4. Move the Lock Code Generator utility zip file onto your PC.

    5. Unzip the Lock Code Generator utility and place all of the contents into a folder on your computer (e.g., lockgen).

    6. Open a command prompt window running as administrator (right-click to select the Run as administrator action).

    7. Use the change directory (cd) command at the command prompt to go to the location where the Lock Code Generator utility files are stored on your PC.

    8. Run the Lock Code Generator utility using the following command:

      lcgen -c <install code>

      where, <install code> is the install code for your SmartServer IoT (obtained in step #8a)

      When you press return/enter to run the Lock Code Generator utility, a lock code number is generated and displayed on the command prompt window.

    9. Copy/make a note of the utility-generated lock code number.

      Example command prompt window for the Lock Code Generator utility:



  8.  Click the Activate tab.

    The Activate view is displayed.


  9. Use the Select A Variant drop-down list to select OfflineYou should only select Offline for license activation using the License Partner Portal. Online license activation is performed using the SmartServer CMS. See Activating Licenses Online Using the SmartServer CMS for more information on how to activate the license using the SmartServer CMS.



    The bottom portion of the Order Details view changes to display additional fields for license activation.



  10. Enter the lock code number in the Extended Custom field.


  11. Click Activate to perform the license activation. 

    A notification appears indicating the successful completion of the activation process.


  12. Use the Search tab to find the license that you activated and see the activated status in the display.


  13. Move your cursor over the license that you activated.

    Additional actions appear.


  14. Click the download button () to download the license certificate to your PC.

    The license certificate is downloaded.


Once you have the offline activation file, you can use it to activate the device capacity license either using the SmartServer CMS or the SmartServer USB drive. Continue with Activating Licenses Offline using the CMS or USB Drive depending on the method you will be using.

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